Regardless if you have cats or dogs, or even ferrets or hamsters, at some point, you’re probably going to be giving pet meds to these furry little people who live in your house. 

Unfortunately, they are TERRIBLE when it comes to reminding you when their pet meds are due.  However, they are oddly insistent about getting their FOOD on time – go figure! 

How Tooktake works for giving pet meds

Regardless if you are giving pet meds on a daily, for 10 Days, or even monthly basis, Tooktake has a label for that.  It works on liquid meds like insulin, skin creams and lotions or even chewables like Heartguard.  You just stick on the appropriate label and tear off the tabs when you’ve given the medication to Fluffy, Frodo, or Fido.

This is a great help if you have multiple family members giving pet meds to various pets or even if you’re away on vacation and have a pet sitter.  That visual reminder is super helpful, especially if the sitter is unfamiliar with your normal daily routines or if your pet is elderly and might need several different meds during the week. 

And it’s super helpful for those hard-to-remember monthly pet meds.  You can stick a label on your calendar to remind you about monthly doses like flea drops or heartworm meds.  It’s also a good reminder to pre-order those refills before you find yourself on a Saturday night with no more insulin for your diabetic cat – not that I’ve had any experience with that (cough, cough). 

Speaking of insulin, Tooktake daily labels can be a critical part of your routine.  Some meds aren’t as serious a problem if you skip a dose or accidentally give two doses, but with insulin, you have to be absolutely sure or you could be rushing your beloved pet to an emergency vet’s office.  That’s why it helps to have a labeling system like Tooktake daily/hourly/10 day or monthly labels. 

You can even find them at Amazon, CVS, Walmart, or the website.  Then you can order several sets for all your different pet meds.  And maybe a few sets for the people too! 



Photo by Liudmyla Denysiuk on Unsplash
