
Tooktake as needed.

Imagine you just received a new diagnosis or picked up a new prescription. You want to follow yo...

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Tooktake as needed.

Little big things.

I'm amazed at the big effect a little thing can have.   The little stickers I invented during my...

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Little big things.

"You don't look sick."

Ah, yes, the classic line that many invisible illness warriors hear all too often. But here's th...

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"You don't look sick."

Feel free to ignore advice, including mine.

I wanted to talk about something that is very personal. Choosing whether to talk about and shar...

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Feel free to ignore advice, including mine.

End Pill Shaming

I love superhero stories and I love helping people, so when I was asked to write something for W...

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End Pill Shaming

breast cancer, cancer survivor, cancer adventures, new normal

Sometimes writing blog posts for things to do with breast cancer are hard for me to write. Not be...

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Breast Cancer: Are you lost or on an adventure?

entrepreneur, small business mom, solopreneur, medication reminder

Advice to my daughter-One of the things that I have often reminded her of, is that she didn’t nee...

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Breast Cancer “What’s next?” What do we do now?

breast cancer, mom, survivor, HER2, Thriver

Now that I am on the other side of my treatment I have been much more open to reading about other...

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After Cancer, there is no “new normal”, it’s just life.

breast cancer, chemo sucks, chemo side effects, cancer survivor, pink bear

The harsh reality of overcoming Cancer. Let me start by saying that I love seeing anyone who ...

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HERE'S TO SLEEP AND VOMIT, A Breast Cancer Story

tamoxifen, tamoxifen side effects, medication reminder, daily medication, weekly pillbox

What if I forget to keep my Cancer away?

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What if I forget to keep my Cancer away?
